Today at the end of Jazz & Beyond, we will draw a winner of Miles in France: an 8-vinyl-record box set valued at $225. Winner will be drawn from donations made during Jazz & Beyond only. (See below for how to enter without making a donation).
At 6 pm we draw a package from Asheville Fly Fishing Company that includes a pair of Reddington Sonic Pro Chest Waders and a pair of Benchmark Wading Boots.
We will also draw a winner of a pair of passes to the Tryon International Film Festival.
Donate online here, or call us until 6pm at 1-800-245-8870.
If you have already donated, or are a monthly sustainer, you have been automatically entered into all drawings except those that apply to a specific time period only.
No contribution is required to enter the drawing (but it will give you good Karma). To enter the contest without making a pledge, please e-mail with the following information:
Subject: "Enter Me In The Contest Only"
1- Name
2- Telephone Number